Many times you need to cite a report, white paper, or document written by a government department, a corporation, or a non-profit. When you create the reference in EndNote you need to enter it in a specific manner.
Example: Say you have a report written by the City of Albuquerque. You need to add a comma at the end of the name in the Author field. For example: City of Albuquerque,
If you do not add the comma, the author is displayed in one of the manners below for the citation
Open Style Manager
Styles Menu in EndNote
Style Manager with Ann Rev Neuroscience Selected
Style Window
Style Window: Changing How Author Name Appears in Bibliography
Term List
Some databases (e.g. PubMed) abbreviate the journal title when a citation is imported into EndNote. In EndNote X, program files are pre-set term lists that fixes this so the full title is used in your EndNote library. Follow the steps from the University of Alabama-Birmingham (UAB) site
PDF Viewer Panel
1. On the top EndNote toolbar select the drop-down menu and choose your preferred style. You may need to select Select another style from this menu to find it
2. Now select a group on the left bar to display all citations in the group
3. With the citations highlighted, right click to display menu
4. Select Copy Formatted from menu
5. Paste into a document.
Find Duplicates Dialog Box
EndNote Preferences Dialog Box with Display Font Window
EndNote Web Login
There are two ways to merge libraries:
An EndNote iPad App is available for download from the Apple Store. This is best used for reviewing references or reading the PDFs. To read files you need Internet access (download).
To learn more, check out FAQs for the EndNote iPad app.