EndNote Software: Beginner's Guide

Settings for Finding Full-Text

UNM's Settings for Finding Full Text via EndNote X

After importing or adding a citation you may request EndNote X to find and download the citation (see Adding References). For this to work you need to set the preference.

  1. Select Edit >> Preferences
  2. Select Find Full Text from new window
  3. Make sure all four checkboxes are slected
  4. OpenURL Path insert one of these
    1. UNM Main campus - https://unm.on.worldcat.org/atoztitles/link?
    2. UNM Health Science campus http://hslic-unm.on.worldcat.org/atoztitles/
  5. Authenticate with: https://libproxy.unm.edu/login?URL=
  6. EndNote X7 and higher - decide if you want this to happen automatically or manually

NOTE: See the Managing a Library tab >> Find Full Text to learn more

Setting: Auto Rename PDFs

PDF Handling (EndNote X7, X8, X9)

When importing an article's PDF to a reference (manually or via Find Full-text) many times the file has a useless name. The PDF Handling lets EndNote X to automatically rename it based on a criteria (e.g. Author name and date). 

  1. Select Edit >> Preferences
  2. Select PDF Handling
  3. Decide the criteria you prefer

Setting: Sorting References


EndNote X allows you to sort your references in a number of ways.  The default sorting is for English, mainly articles (e.g. a, an, the).  You many want to make changes if the majority of your references are in Spanish, Portuguese or another language.

  1. Select Edit >> Preferences
  2. Select Sorting
  3. Decide you preferences

Setting: Sync references to Web

EndNote X allows you to sync your references to its web-based/cloud version. 

  1. Create an EndNote account this is also your Web of Science account
  2. Select Edit >> Preferences
  3. Select Sync
  4. Enter your EndNote account info
  5. Select the Enable Sync button