You can use EndNote X to create a bibliography from you library of references. You set the style and select the references and EndNote will create your reference list for your paper/document. This is different than using the Cite While You Write, which is an automated tool. The automation will create in-text citations and a bibliography, but some people do not like this tool
It is a good idea to remove duplicates prior to creating a bibliography.
Find Duplicate References
Prior to creating a bibliography, we recommend that you find duplicate references within your EndNote library.
To find duplicate references:
Find Duplicates Dialog Box
In EndNote X
Set the style for your bibliography
3. Search or Scroll the list to add the style(s) you plan to use
4. Now in the drop-down menu select the style for your current paper/document.
Select references for your bibliography
3. After highlighting the reference, Right-Click on one of the highlighted references
4. Select Copy Formatted from the menu
5. Go to Word doc (or other word processor) and paste the formatted bibliography