EndNote X Library Basics
Creating a Library
Opening a Library
Group and Group Set Basics
Groups Panel in EndNote
Creating Groups and Group Sets
File Attachment Basics
Attach a File - Two methods
1. Drag & Drop
2. Browse for file
File Attachment Dialog Box
What is Find Full Text?
EndNote uses data stored in your references to search the Web for the corresponding full text file as a PDF or URL. Once found, the file is automatically downloaded and attached to the appropriate reference.
Find Full Text
EndNote Groups Panel with Find Full Text
Not Finding Full Text?
You may not get the full text even if UNM Libraries provide access to the article. There are a few reasons for this...
Manually attach: If the full text is not found using Find Full Text, then you can manually attach the PDF to your references.
Saving a Library Basics
Saving a Library
Compressed Library (.enlx) Dialog Box
Find Duplicates
Find Duplicates Dialog Box
Defining a Journal Abbreviation Term List for a New Library
Open Term Lists
Term Lists Dialog Box
Defining Term Lists for an Existing Library
Delete Terms