Follow these instructions to modify, add or delete formatted citations.
- In your Microsoft Word document, click on the citation that you wish to edit, becoming grey.
- Click on the EndNote menu tab in the Word toolbar.
- Click on Edit & Manage Citation(s). The EndNote Edit & Manage Citations dialog box will appear.

Modify Citations
- In the EndNote Edit & Manage Citations dialog box, click on the citation you wish to edit.
- From the dropdown menu next to Formatting, choose how you want the in-text citation to appear. For example, you can choose to Exclude Author or Exclude Year from the citation.
- Add a prefix or suffix by typing text in the Prefix or Suffix boxes. The text will appear before (prefix) or after (suffix) the citation.
- Add page numbers to the citation by entering numbers into the Pages box. Page numbers will only appear for Output Styles that contain a cited pages code, for example, MLA and Chicago.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
EndNote Edit & Manage Citations Dialog Box

Add Additional Citations
- In the EndNote Edit & Manage Citations dialog box, click on the citation you wish to edit.
- From the Edit Reference drop-down menu, select Insert Citation. The EndNote Find & Insert My References dialog box will appear.
- See instructions above (Inserting Citations) for how to find and insert a reference from within a Word document. The new references will be added to the current citation.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
Delete Citations
- In the EndNote Edit & Manage Citations dialog box, click on the citation you wish to edit.
- From the Edit Reference drop-down menu, select Remove Citation.
- Note: Do NOT use the Delete or Backspace key to remove a citation from your Word document. EndNote codes associated with the citation may not be erased and your document could become corrupted.
- When you have made all the desired changes, click the OK button to close the dialog box.
EndNote Edit & Mangage Citations Dialog Box

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