Spanish Colonial and Mexican Documents

Suggested sources

Sometimes history books include partial or entire documents in their text. Here are a few related to NM and the Southwest:

Espinosa, J. Manuel, ed., The Pueblo Indian Revolt of 1696 and the Franciscan Missions in New Mexico, letters of NM missionaries, related documents, translated, edited, introduction by J. Manuel Espinosa. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, c1988, at CSWR E99 P9 P86 1988.

Hackett, Charles W., ed., Historical documents relating to New Mexico, Nueva Vizcaya and Approaches Thereto, to 1773, 3 vols, compiled by Adolph F.A. Bandelier and Fanny R. Bandelier, Spanish texts, English translations. Washington, D.C., Carnegie Institution, 1923-37, Vol. 1, Pt. I, The Expansion of Spain in North America, to 1590; Pt. II, The Founding of NM, 1580-1600; Vol. 2, Pt. III, Nueva Vizcaya in the Seventeenth Century; Vol. 3, Pt. IV, Miscellaneous Documents Relating to NM in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. CSWR Anderson F1410 H12.

Hackett, Charles S., ed., Revolt of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico and Otermin's Attempted Reconquest, 1680-1682, 2 vols, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, ca. 1942, translations of original documents. CSWR Anderson F799 H1249.

Hammond, George P., Don Juan de Onate, Colonizer of New Mexico, 1595-1628, 2 vols, Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1953, translations of documents from Spain and Mexico about the history of the founding of the first NM colony. CSWR F799 H3.

Simmons, Marc, ed., Border Comanches: Seven Spanish Colonial Documents, 1785-1819, Santa Fe: Stagecoach Press,1967, edited and translated documents. CSWR E99 C85 S5.

Trigg, Heather Bethany, The Economy of Early Colonial New Mexico, 1598-1680: An Investigation of Social and Human Agency Using Archaeological and Documentary Data, Ph. D., University of Michigan, 1999. CSWR F799 T69 1999a.

Tigges, Linda, Santa Fe Historic Plaza Study, with translations from Spanish colonial documents, illustrated, with maps, CSWR F804 S27 S26 1990. On a CD.

Vargas, Diego de, To the Royal Crown Restored: The Journals of don Diego de Vargas, New Mexico, 1692-94, ed. by John L. Kessell, Rick Hendricks, and Meredith D. Dodge, Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c. 1995, documents on recovery of NM by the Spanish after the Pueblo Revolt 1680, interaction between Spanish and Pueblos, part of a larger Vargas series; correlations between Spanish documents and translations are available. CSWR F799 V285 1995.

Gonzalez Diaz, Falia, Threads of Memory / El Hilo De La Memoria: Spain and the United States / Espana y los Estados Unidos, edited by France Levine, Rene Harris, and Josef Diaz and translated by Enrique Lamadrid. Albuquerque: Fresco Fine Arts Publications, 2010, With the support of the General Archive of the Indies, unique, almost unknown documents brought to light that reveal the importance of the Spanish presence in the present day territory of the United States, from the 16th to 19th centuries. CSWR E173 T47 2010. Includes various items for NM.  See related exhibit online.


(Tip: Here are two scholarly magazines for New Mexico history:

The major New Mexico periodical to help you start your research is the  New Mexico Historical Review (1926 - present). It is a scholarly, peer - reviewed history journal published by the History Department, UNM. The NMHR contains articles on Spanish colonial and Mexican era history, plus other eras. Current and back issues and paper indexes for the NMHR are located in the Anderson Reading Room (CSWR Anderson F791 N65).

Here are two an online sources for articles from the NMHR.

From the University Libraries homepage  - See Database - Alpha P - called - Periodicals Online Archive -  POA - it searches the NMHR from 1926 to 2009, with good results. It is full text. Go to the Tab -- Publications - and select Alpha N - find the NMHR down the list. Then enter your term in the search box.

The NMHR is also available via the UNM Repository - under the section - Open Journals -  NMHR online.  From the first page ,if you enter a term in the search box it will include articles from the NMHR if there is something on your topic. 

Another New Mexico periodical is the - Old Santa Fe Magazine, A Magazine of History, Archaeology, Genealogy and Biography, Santa  Fe: Old Santa Fe Press, 1913-1916, 3 vols,  It has articles on Spanish and Mexican eras in NM, located in CSWR Anderson F791 O43. Online.