Spanish Colonial and Mexican Documents

Selected Microfilm collections at CSWR - for New Mexico, Mexico, Spain - Some Online

CAMINO REAL REFERENCE COLLECTION, 1538 - 1799, selected documents from the Archivo General de la Nacion (AGN), Mexico City, focus is on quotes about the route from Mexico City to Taos, NM. Two guides - a list of quoted entries and a guide with titles of the documents from which they came, with some context.  The microfilm is located at CSWR Anderson F799 A37 1997, 6 reels.  The two printed guides are located at the same call number on the microfilm guides shelf in the Anderson Room.  Both guides together online.


THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NM (SANM I), 1602-1855, land records, from New Mexico State Records and Archives (NMSRCA). They are on microfilm at Santa Fe and also available on film at the CSWR, UNM.  See CSWR Anderson F799 L3 1987 Land Records of New Mexico for finding guide to SANM I and 63 reels in the collection. Guide is online on the NMAO - under Institution - NMSRCA. Use Control + F to search for places / names. 

SANM I documents are now on Ancestry.


Help: SANM I Land Records - reels contain 3 sets of papers:

-Set 1 Land documents from the Spanish - Mexican eras, 1602-1855, Pueblo, Hispanic transactions. Also has Donanciano Vigil index of papers done 1848-49 pre U.S.  This Set 1 is I arranged by Twitchell numbers - below.*

-Set 2 Records of the Surveyor General, collected by U.S. Land Office, Santa Fe, 1854-1892, arranged by SG #s.                

-Set 3 Records of the U.S. Court of Private Land Claims, court cases, Santa Fe, 1892-1912, arranged by PLC case #s.

Notes for Set 1 *Twitchell numbers for Set 1 are from Ralph E. Twitchell, Spanish Archives of New Mexico, Vol. 1, land records, at CSWR Anderson F791 T85, Vol. 1 - has index and short descriptions of documents - Twitchell, Vol. 1 is online.

English translations of Spanish land documents in SANM I - Set 1 done by the WPA, at CSWR Mfilm CD 3394 1999, 10 rolls - arranged by Twitchell #s.

Chronological Guide for Set 1 - arranged by date, by Julian Josue Vigil, at CSWR Anderson F799 L36 1987 chron. guide.


THE SPANISH ARCHIVES OF NM (SANM II), 1621-1821, from NMSRCA, also at CSWR, UNM.  Deals with non-land issues, such as administration, defense, economics, Indian relations, missions, society, education, legal cases, French in New Mexico, and misc. topics. Arranged by Twitchell #s, See * Notes above.  At CSWR Mfilm CD3394 N41, 23 reels.  Finding guide for SANM II at CSWR Anderson CD3394 N412 1987. Guide is online on the NMAO - select location - NMSRCA. Use Ctrl + F to search for places and topics. 

SANM II documents are now on Ancestry.


Help:  SANM II:  See notes above on *Twitchell - Vol. 2, the book, also has short descriptions and an index for SANM II non-land documents - Twitchell, Vol. 2 in Anderson Reading Room. This book is also online.

An introductory overview of SANM II is at CSWR Anderson CD3394 N4 1975.

English translations of selected SANM II documents is at CSWR Mfilm CD3394 T7224 2002, 2 rolls, arranged on film by Twitchell #s.


See also More Notes ** below.


MEXICAN ARCHIVES OF NEW MEXICO (MANM), 1821-1846, from the NMSRCA, also at CSWR.  Deals with some land papers, administration, legislative, local governments, judicial, military, Indian affairs, and some period newspapers. Finding guide at CSWR Anderson CD3394 N413, 43 reels at same.  Finding guide online.

Notes on other MANM material:

An overview of MANM is at CSWR Anderson CD3394 N413 guide.

A Short Index to Communications Received within New Mexico by Governors, Secretaries, and Commanders, compiled by Julian Josue Vigil, 1984, at CSWR Anderson F799 V45 1984.

Also compiled by Vigil, A Short Index to New Mexican Soldiers’ Service Records and Enlistment Papers, 1984, at CSWR Anderson UA352 V54 1984.


Tip: The Old Santa Fe Magazine has series “New Mexico under Mexican Rule,” in Vols. 1 and 2, 1913-1915, at CSWR Anderson F791 O43. OSF is online.


** More notes for the hardiest of researchers:

Donaciano Vigil - General Index, ed. by Julian Josue Vigil, 1984, of SANM and Mexican Archives **,1681-1848, as they were pre 1850, in date order with short descriptions, some now missing, at CSWR Anderson CD3394 S35 1984. (See same on SANM I - Reel 10).

A combo of SANM II and MANM documents (1621-1846) available as photostats, by date, in blue volumes on the 2nd floor of the Anderson Room, CSWR. UNM Library copied them in Santa Fe 1938-1941, set also includes several red volumes of Militia, Military Accounts, Indian Depredations, etc. They are cataloged as 978.908 N421.

There is an incomplete but useful index card finding aid in the CSWR public catalog drawers outside the Anderson Room with descriptions of the MANM documents from 1821-1832.



Other great collections on microfilm at CSWR:

SENDER COLLECTION, 1697-1884, from the NMSRCA, documents from the Northern NM communities of Abiquiu, San Jose de Chama, Santa Cruz, Taos, etc., dealing with government, society, defense, schools, land, local issues, etc. Finding guide and reels at CSWR F 796 S46 1988, 2 reels. Finding guide is not on NMAO. Guide is online on UNM Repository.

RECORDS OF THE STATES, USA: NEW MEXICO, 1580 - 1945, documents from project Early State Records, filmed by the Library of Congress, 1941 - 1950. Selected ones from UNM Special Collections (now CSWR); the Museum of New Mexico History Library; the former library of the New Mexico Historical Society; the U.S. Engineer / Surveyor General's Land Office in Santa Fe; the office of the New Mexico Secretary of State; the NM State Law Library and the State Supreme Court Archives. At CSWR Mfilm F791 N44, 60 reels. Guide at same. Since other libraries than UNM were covered, some of the documents included here are not found in the other NM microfilm collections. Includes Spanish and Mexican eras - governmental material.

BANCROFT LIBRARY COLLECTION, 1581-1904, documents gathered by Alphonse Louis Pinart from the Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe, plus some non New Mexico items. Among them New Mexico's governors’ papers, 1681-1841, Spanish expeditions, missions, Kit Carson papers from Thomas O. Boggs, Bancroft’s interviews with Territorial New Mexicans, etc. Also a Mexican account of the 1857 arrest of Henry A. Crabb, a U.S. filibuster in Sonora; the diary of Esteban Jose Martinez’ 1789 voyage to Nootka Sound; examples of 1550s Mexican Hacienda or treasury books and Tacuba and Mexico City criminal court records 1680s; Nahuatl, Pima and Otomi language materials, etc. At CSWR Anderson F799 B36 2000, 14 reels. Finding guide at CSWR at same Call #.  Finding guide is online

One section of  the Bancroft Library Collection of document on microfilm at CSWR is called - El Libro de Nuevo Mexico.  It has 40 papers related to the New Mexico governors from 1730-1748, (Mss P-E 228).  Aaron Taylor's transcriptions of them are online via the Cibola Project.


Other materials for Spain, Mexico and Latin America on microfilm at CSWR:  These are now online from the Library of Congress.

Colonial - Hispanic legal documents, 18th - 19 th centuries, Washington, D.C., Library of Congress, Law Library, 1985, 13 reels. Microfilm 85/10003 [LL]. Latin America, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Puerto Rico. Contents: reel [1] Law & statutes, Mexico -- reel [2] Law & statutes, Colombia -- reel [3] Law & statutes, Peru -- reel [4] Law & statutes, Puerto Rico -- reel [5] Law & statutes, Portugal -- reel [6] Canon law, Peru -- reel [7] Briefs, Peru -- reel [8-9] Miscellaneous documents, Mexico -- reel [10] Miscellaneous documents, Peru -- reel [11] Miscellaneous documents, Colombia -- reel [12-13] Miscellaneous documents, Portugal. CSWR KG76 C64 1985.