Market Research

Overview of NAICS & SIC

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
In 1997, a new system
NAICS was developed to replace the 1987 SIC system. NAICS was developed to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across the three North America countries. NAICS codes contain six numerical digits. Since 2002, the NAICS codes are updated every five years in correspondence with the Economic Census (see below).

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
SIC codes are four digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business and industry in an effort to identify the primary business activity of an establishment. The SIC classification was developed to facilitate the collection of data, and to allow for more accurate comparisons of economic and statistical data (see below).

Industry: NAICS

NAICS logoNorth American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
The NAICS was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America. Federal, State, and local governments use the Economic Census data to determine the health of industries and the economy.  Plus, business owners and entrepreneurs use the data to research specific industries (nationally and locally).  The Economic Census is a KEY resource for industry and economic research.  

Table of the NAICS Industries
(select an industry to see sub industries) 

(11) Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting (21) Mining, Quarrying, and Oil & Gas Extraction (22) Utilities (23) Construction
(31-33) Manufacturing (42) Wholesale Trade (44-45) Retail (48-49) Transporation & Warehousing
(51) Information (52) Finance & Insurance (53) Real Estate, Rental & Leasing (54) Professional, Scientific & Technical Services
(55) Management of Companies & Enterprises (56) Administrative and Support, Waste Management, & Remediation Services (61) Educational Services (62) Health Care & Social Assistance
(71) Arts, Entertainment & Recreation (72) Accommodation & Food Services (81) Other (92) Public Administration

NAICS is a system that assigns a two-digit numerical code to each industry and 3 to 6 digits to each industry sub-sector.  The larger the number, the more specific the industry. For example:

48-49 Transportation & Warehousing (over arching industry and sub-sectors)

  • 481 Air transportation
    • 4812 Nonscheduled air transportation
      • 48121 Nonscheduled air transportation
        • 481212 Nonscheduled chartered freight air transportation

         More information at the US Census Bureau site

        *The economic census provides a detailed portrait of the United States' economy once every five years, from the national to the local level.  The Economic Census covers most of the U.S. economy in its basic collection of establishment statistics.

Industry: SIC

NAICS logoStandard Industrial Classification (SIC)

SIC was originally developed in the 1930's to classify establishments to promote the comparability of establishment data describing various facets of the U.S. economy.

Even though NAICS was developed to replace SIC, many publishers, companies, and government agencies still use SIC.  Some of the resources you will use are categories or searchable by SIC. 

SIC is made of ten (A-J) industry divisions and each industry and sub-industry fall into one of the divisions. The ten divisions are...

Table of the broad SIC Industries

Division A: Agriculture, Forestry, And Fishing Division B: Mining
Division C: Construction Division D: Manufacturing
Division E: Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, & Sanitary Services Division F: Wholesale Trade
Division G: Retail Trade Division H: Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate
Division I: Services Division J: Public Administration