These resources let you investigate different aspects of an industry. You want to gather industry reports and statistics, along with trade and news articles. The statistics can help benchmark a company against the industry. Use multiple sources. Also, use search engines to find trade associates.
Detailed national and global industry reports that provides a narrative of the industries, performance, outlook, along with infographics, industry financial ratios, stats, etc. Reports are updated every 6-12 months.
Funded by Thornburg Investment Management, this resource offers comprehensive data and analytics on global financial and economic markets and companies. Included are financial data on public and private companies, with historical coverage for developed markets (1980s-p), and emerging markets (1990s-p), historical financial metrics for countries, and historical financial data from global indices.
Site organizes resources, news, calendars, market info, and additional info by industry. You'll find lists of the Top 10 Companies in each industry ranked by market cap. Overviews for each industry are provided and feature content from Hoover's.
Polson Enterprises' site lists a wide variety of industries with links to specific industry home pages. The site also includes useful "how to" guides on industry and company research.
Industry financial ratios from Dun & Bradstreet that provide industry benchmarks. Data is aggregated from public and private companies. Coverage: last five years.
PRINT resource provides standard financial ratios computed from the IRS's statistical sampling of the tax returns of all corporations. The reference book is arranged by NAICS code.