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CBE493L / CBE494L

Resources to support students throughout the capstone design series

Ebooks on Pitches & Business Writing

Check out these books for information about how to write technical reports, executive summaries, pitches, and more.


Search for more books on business communication topics in:

Poster Design Tips

General message:

  • Aim to tell a compelling story about why your research is important in a real-world context.
  • Remember that a poster is an interactive & visual medium, not a research paper. You will present alongside your poster, and the text serves as a compliment to your conversations with audience members. Design your content with that purpose in mind.
  • Write to your specific audience (language/detail will differ if you're presenting to other researchers in your discipline vs. a broad general audience)

Language & text:

  • Be concise with your words: focus text on the main points and big takeaways of your research. Bulleted or numbered lists help.
  • Use text size, style, and colors strategically to emphasize your message
  • Make a compelling title readable from 8+ feet away (to draw in an audience). Make the rest of the text readable from 3-5 feet away (24 point absolute minimum)


  • Use a template as a starting point (example links in right-hand column).
  • Leave blank/white space to enhance visual appeal and readability.
  • Provide a link, QR code, or handouts for audience members that would like more information.
  • Get feedback on your design & practice with an audience.

Poster Templates

Related Guides on Report Writing and Presentation