Art & Ecology

A research guide for the Art & Ecology, an interdisciplinary program under the Department of Art History, within the College of Fine Arts at the University of New Mexico

Campus Resources

As a researcher at UNM you have a wealth of resources available right here on campus!

  • Centennial Science & Engineering Library: engineering, GIS, data-driven research, maps, technology, environmental science and geography resources. Located underground next to the Engineering School.
  • Fine Arts & Design Library: studio art, art history, architecture, landscape architecture, community planning, urban innovation, theatre, music, music scores, dance, and media collections (dvds, LPs, cassettes, CDs, VHSs, and listening stations for these various media collections). Located on the top floor of the School of Architecture & Planning in George Pearl Hall.
  • Zimmerman Library: social sciences and humanities research. Also houses the Indigenous Nations Library Program which works with a number of departments and units across campus, including Community & Regional Planning. The Center for Southwest Research Special Collections and Archives is also housed in Zimmerman, as well as the Undergraduate Learning Commons, and the Graduate Commons.

Research Consultation & Instruction

One-on-one or Group Appointments/Consultations

We are here to help faculty, student, and community researchers to develop their research projects, from discovery through end product, including navigating image rights for publication and managing citations. We also assist in developing project plans that may require funding proposals and/or community collaborators.

  • Assistance with research question refinement
  • Researching topic areas, including searching and finding a wide variety of media formats
  • Documentation strategies and standards
  • Research area-specific repositories & archives
  • Strategies for planning the research process from start to finish

Research support

Assisting you with delving into a wide variety of resources across media, related disciplines, and hard to find resources like archives, rare books, data, and more! We are here to help you in your research endeavors.

  • Locating resources, like books, archives and media for use in proposals, research projects and instructional programs
  • Evaluation tools, technologies and strategies for citation management, instruction, and more
  • Identifying both on- and off-campus collaborators and resources

Instruction and Training

Art & Ecology is a complex, continuously evolving, interdisciplinary field, in which continuous research and application of new skills and strategies is the norm. UNM's team of librarians works very hard to stay abreast of ongoing developments in information, data, and more, and provides training and instruction for classes, groups and individuals in a wide variety of subject areas.

related subject guides

  • Art History
    Last Updated Jan 18, 2024 292 views this year

Fine Arts Librarian

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Stephanie Beene
George Pearl Hall, Top Floor: Fine Arts & Design Library (Room 435)

Full List of Subject Librarians