Architecture & Landscape Architecture

A library research guide for UNM's School for Architecture and Planning, which includes Architecture, Urbanism & Regional Design, Community and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, and Historic Preservation and Regionalism

Campus Resources

As a researcher within the School of Architecture & Planning, you have a wealth of resources available right here at UNM.

Intro to the Fine Arts & Design Library














Welcome, Bienvenidos, Hóshdéiiʼ to The Fine Arts and Design Library! 

Here, you will find books on the history, theory, and practice of art​​​​

Come for the books stay for the views! Here, at the top of George Pearl Hall (the Architecture Building), you can scope all of New Mexico's mountain ranges and volcanic peaks or catch some amazing sunsets! 

What else: Group study rooms, computer labs, a smart classroom, scanners, and printers

Laptops, DVDs, headphones, specialty equipment for check out. Macs and PCs loaded with photo and movie editing software. Scanners and lots of seating.

Special collections such as artists' books and other rare publications.

Remember that we also periodically have exhibits and performances here

Research Consultation & Instruction

Research Consultations

We are here to help faculty, student, and community researchers to develop their research projects, from discovery through end product, including navigating image rights for publication and managing citations. We also assist in developing project plans that may require funding proposals and/or community collaborators.

  • Assistance with research question refinement
  • Researching topic areas, including searching and finding a wide variety of media formats
  • Documentation strategies and standards
  • Research area-specific repositories & archives
  • Strategies for planning the research process from start to finish

Reference Support

Working in research intensive disciplines like Architecture and Landscape Architecture requires delving into a wide variety of resources across media, related disciplines, and hard to find resources like journals, archives, and data. The Fine Arts & Design Library Public Services team in the University Libraries is here to help you in your research activities.

  • Locating resources, like books, archives and media for use in proposals, research projects and instructional programs
  • Evaluation tools, technologies and strategies for citation management, instruction, and more
  • Identifying both on- and off-campus collaborators and resources

Instruction and Training

Architecture and Landscape Architecture are are continuously evolving disciplines in which continuous learning and practice of new skills and strategies is the norm. I will work with you to provide training and instruction for classes, groups and individuals in a wide variety of subject areas.

Credit courses:

  • Research Methods
  • Precedent Studies
  • Studio Courses
  • Intro Courses

General and Custom Instruction & Training Sessions:

  • disciplinary methods and approaches
  • documentation & citation
  • collaboration tools

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Librarian for Art, Architecture & Planning

Profile Photo
Stephanie Beene
George Pearl Hall, Top Floor: Fine Arts & Design Library (Room 435)

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