Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque Tribune
Santa Fe New Mexican
Spanish-language newspapers:
Native American newspapers:
Many Native American newspapers published in New Mexico are available in the UNM Library. For historical titles, perform a search in the Library Catalog on a specific publication or use a subject term such as "Navajo newspapers" or "Indians of North America New Mexico newspapers"
Many historical New Mexico newspapers are available only on microfilm, most of which is stored in the basement of Zimmerman Library. Search for newspapers in the Library Catalog by entering a paper title, or a place of publication followed by the word newspapers.
"What newspaper was published in [town] in [date]?"
The best resource for answering this question is the U. S. Newspaper Directory from the Library of Congress. Perform a search and review the catalog record of a specific newspaper. Select "Libraries that have it" in the blue bar at the top of the record. The site will information you which libraries, including UNM, have the title. NOTE: Be aware that many historical newspapers, especially ones from small towns, have not survived or are missing many issues.