A collection of newspapers from mainstream news sources and African-American news sources. Publication include: Chicago Tribune (1849-1994); Los Angeles Times (1881-1994); New York Times (1851-2014); Washington Post (1877-2001); Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003); Chicago Defender (1909-1975); Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002), Civil War era titles, and other newspapers from around the United States. Coverage: 1800s-2005.
Digitized collection of newspapers published in North America between 1690 and 1922.
Soon to include nine collections encompassing hundreds of newspapers from around the world during the 19th & 20th centuries. Focused on content that has not been digitized elsewhere. Current collections include: Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers and Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers.
Use interactive data visualizations (Geographic Analysis, Topic Modeling, and Sentiment Analysis) to uncover patterns and connections from search results in ProQuest databases covering current and historical newspapers, dissertations, and theses. NOTE: Must create an account with UNM email.