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Psychological & Educational Tests & Measures

What are tests & measures?

" the methodology that deals with designs, administrations, and interpretations of measurement on individuals’ constructs such as abilities, attitudes, personality, knowledge..." Tests & measures are the instruments, surveys, questionnaires and more designed to assess these constructs.

Quote by Hua-Hua Chang in theInternational Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr.. 2nd ed. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. p587-590.

Background Information

Ethical Issues

There are ethical issues involved in administering and using tests and measures.  For more information on ethical uses of tests, you may want to consult the APA's FAQ on Finding Information about Psychological Tests, especially the section labeled Additional Information on the Proper Use of Tests and also look at the following publication in the Library:

Terminology: Unpublished vs. Commercial Tests & Measures

Tests are either commercial or unpublished.

  • Commercial/Published Tests are available directly from a commercial test publisher for a fee and typically are acccessible only to qualified/certified professionals.  You will seldom, if ever, find the items from these instruments in the public domain.  See the tab labeled Commercial/Published Tests for details on how to identify and locate commercial tests and measures.
  • Unpublished/Noncommercial Tests are not sold through a publisher and sometimes are available in journal articles, dissertations of other types of research-based literature or, online. It can be more difficult to find these. See the tab labeled Unpublished Tests for details on how to identify and locate unpublished tests and measures.

See the American Psychological Association's (APA) FAQ on how to find published and unpublished psychological tests. 

Citing Tests & Test Reviews

How do I cite a test in APA style?

Tests are usually cited in the same style as books.

EXAMPLE: Bracken, B.A. & McCallum, R.S. (1998). Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test. Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.

How do I cite a test review in APA style?

Two main resources for test reviews are Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) and Test Critiques. Test reviews from these sources are formatted similarly to chapters within an edited book. Note that you are citing the review, not the test itself. The test author’s name does not appear in a citation for the review.