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College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences News

Promotion and Tenure Announcements

by Patricia Campbell on 2024-09-26T10:01:00-06:00 in Library | 0 Comments

story by Sara Velasquez

The College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences (CULLS) announces six faculty members who have received promotion and tenure this year. Alyssa Russo, Stephanie Moore, and Amir Hedayati have received tenure and were promoted to associate professor. Vanessa Svihla, Lori Townsend, and Audra Bellmore have been promoted to full professor. 

Amir Hedayati, Ph.D. – OILS Associate Professor

Amir Hedayati is an educational researcher who studies the dynamics of ethics and equity in the workplace to inform developmental initiatives to create more inclusive and ethical environments. He has received multiple awards from conferences, including the American Society for Engineering Education, and as a PI, his work has been supported by the NSF. He teaches various courses in the OILS program, including Ethics and Diversity Training in the Workplace, Program Evaluation, and Theory and Practice of Organizational Learning. Hedayati received his Ph.D. in Human Resource Development from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2018. 

Stephanie Moore, Ph.D. – OILS Associate Professor

Dr. Stephanie Moore is an Associate Professor in Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences at the University of New Mexico. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Computing in Higher Education, a Q1 education research journal, and a recent Fellow with the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy and Dollar General Foundation. Her on-going work from this fellowship focuses on the use of learning technologies for adult literacy. Dr. Moore's is the lead author for a recent book, Ethics and Educational Technology: Reflection, Interrogation, and Design as a Framework for Practice - the first book to be published on this topic, and she is co-editor of another related book coming out soon, Applied Ethics for Instructional Design and Technology. She has worked on various learning and workplace projects over the years including building award-winning and top-ranked online programs, working with federal agencies on training and certification initiatives, and evaluating educational and performance projects for defense, industry, and higher education. Her areas of expertise include ethics and design, ethics of technologies for learning, online and blended learning, instructional design, adult learning, educational / learning technologies, multimedia learning design and development, performance improvement, and strategic planning that includes societal impact. 

She is also a Co-PI on a newly-awarded $2.9 million NSF grant supporting UNM students in their studies developing intelligent and autonomous systems. Her role will be to develop an interdisciplinary course, open to all majors, on ethics as part of the technology design and development process.


Alyssa Russo, MLIS – Learning Services Librarian

Alyssa Russo is a Learning Services Librarian and the subject liaison for the department of Communication and Journalism at the University Libraries. In this role, she develops information literacy programming, builds online learning resources, supports student and faculty research, and teaches credit courses in the OILS program. Alyssa earned a master's degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of New Mexico. Her research interests include information literacy and library instruction within academic libraries. 

Audra Bellmore, Ph.D. – Center For Southwest Research and Special Collections (CSWR) Curator

Audra Bellmore is a Professor in the Center for Southwest Research & Special Collections, Curator of the John Gaw Meem Archives of Southwestern Architecture, and Adjunct Professor in the Museum Studies Program at the University of New Mexico, where she teaches Museum Practices and Archival Practices and leads the study abroad program, Museums and Archives in Oxford, UK.  She is presently Chair of the UNM Regents Historic Preservation Committee. Audra Bellmore holds a dual doctorate in U.S. History and Public History from Loyola University Chicago, a M.S. in Historic Preservation from Eastern Michigan University, and an MLS in Archival Administration from the University of Michigan. She specializes in material culture studies and history of the built environment. Her book Old Santa Fe Today was published in 2022 by the Museum of New Mexico Press.

Vanessa Svihla, Ph.D. – Organization, Information & Learning Sciences (OILS) Professor

Dr. Vanessa Svihla is a Professor in Organization, Information & Learning Sciences and in Chemical & Biological Engineering at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Svihla received the National Academy of Education / Spencer Postdoctoral Scholarship and the NSF CAREER Award. Their scholarship has been recognized for its contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion by the American Society for Engineering Education and the Professional and Organizational Development Network. Dr. Svihla, a disabled and chronically-ill scholar, studies how people learn as they frame problems in power-laden systems and how these activities relate to identity, agency, creativity, equity, and organizational change.

Lori Townsend, MLIS – Assessment Coordinator and Learning Services Librarian

Lori Townsend (Shoshone-Paiute) is the Assessment Coordinator and a Learning Services Librarian at the University Libraries. Her research interests include cultural humility, genre theory and information literacy, and undergraduate understandings of digital sources. She is a Series Editor for the recently launched Bloomsbury Libraries series on Teaching Information Literacy Today.  She is a co-author, with UNM colleagues David Hurley and Sarah Kostelecky, of the ALA Editions Special Report Cultural Humility (2022) and co-editor of the book Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions: Cultural Humility in Library Work (2023).

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