Studio Art

The Library Catalog

To find books, use the search box on the library front page. This searches Worldcat, the library database of books and articles. Once you find a source or two that look really good, note the SUBJECT links in the detailed record. Follow these links to find other books with the same links. If you know exactly what you're looking for, try searching using quotes. For example, "Adrian Piper".

Places to Start

Essential Databases

If you are looking for exhibition reviews or other articles about artists, start with the subject-specific databases below:


Below are some general humanities databases where you can find many arts-related articles, or investigate other topics to inform your practice:

Scholarly Conversation

Think about:

  • What perspectives are presented?
  • Who has the strongest voice in this conversation? Why?
  • How would you evaluate the authority of the authors?
  • Who are the intended audiences?
  • How would you involve yourself in this conversation?

Browsing Studio Art Books

You will find most books on art history in the Fine Arts & Design Library. Here is a key to the call numbers in FADL:

  • N - Visual Arts, general
  • NA - Architecture
  • NB - Sculpture
  • NC - Drawing, Design, Illustration
  • ND - Painting
  • NE - Print Media
  • NK - Decorative Arts
  • NX - Arts in General
  • TR - Photography
  • M - Music and Performing Arts

Classic Books

We've listed here some important works on art, theory, and culture. Some of these are located in FADL, and some are at Zimmerman Library. Any questions about finding a book you need, just ask!

Still can't find it?

If the UNM libraries don't have the item, we can get it for you through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). ILL services are available only to UNM students, faculty, and staff.