Resources on maximizing and understanding impact curated by Association of Research Libraries.
Author's H-Index and Image
The tools below help track an author's impact, and the items on the right provide an overview of metrics and image. "The h-index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar." More at Wikipedia
To find an author’s h-Index:
1. Select "Author Search" on search page
2. Input Last (Family) and First Names
3. Review results (some authors have same/similar names)
It calculates the H-Index and its variant, the i10-Index for Authors. I10-Index is the number of articles with at least 10 citations.
1. Search author's name (potentially add keyword or discipline)
2. May need need to use the Advanced Search option to limit results. Upper left corner, three horizontal bar icon.
NOTE: Works best if author has created a Google Scholar profile and linked publications to profile
Google Scholar will link to some--not all--of the online resources to which the University Libraries subscribes. Use the "Check full text @ UNM" link to see if the resource is available through a UNM subscription. It may also be helpful to look up the journal or citation through UNM eJournals tool.
Software from CWTS of Leiden University, that allows citation networks to be imported directly from the Web of Science database and used to visualize and analyze citation networks of scientific publications.
Network visualization tool that allows for easy data import from standard comma-separated lists and generates network analytics as well as visualizations.