Impact of Scholarship (metrics)

Web of Science: Citation Alerts

Receive alerts when an article is cited.

1. Create an account/Login
2. Search - Enter faculty name: last/family name followed by first name OR last/family name followed by one/two initials.

Example: Berman Shawn OR Berman SL

3. Select one of the article citations by author from initial search results
4. Select Create Citation Alert (right side)
5. Fill out form/options, and save.

WoS: Publication Alerts

Receive alerts when new articles are published by an author. NOTE: You may use the basic steps below to receive alerts on a subject (or specific journal) instead of an author.

1. Create an account/Login
2. Search - Enter faculty name: last/family name followed by first name OR last/family name followed by one/two initials.

Example: Berman Shawn OR Berman SL

3. Refine search results (left bar) since many authors have same or similar names.

- Select categories (may need to select more options),  If results sill too large
- Select UNM from Organization-Enhanced, this should provide this list of articles by author while at UNM
- Go to step 4

Another refinement option to see all article by author

- Select one of the article citations by author from initial search results
- In the citation select the hyperlinked author's name,
- Refine these search results using left bar options (if necessary).
- Go to step 4

4. Set Alerts after steps above

- Select "Search History" (on blue bar)
- Check the box for the last search result
- Select Save History/Create Alert (white button)
- Fill out form, select options, and Save

WoS: Creating One Alert for multiple authors

Alerts for new publications for multiple authors. For examples, receive one alert for all faculty in a specific department or research team. Two options...


  1. Search each author separately. Use the left bar to limit to specific individual (e.g. categories). You may limit results by selecting only one of the indexes (Arts & Humanities, Science, Social Science) under More Settings on the search page.
  2. Once you search all authors, select Search History
  3. Select OR under Combined Sets
  4. Check the box on the last search for each faculty (every time you use a limit a new search is listed in Search History)
  5. Select the Combine button under Combined sets
  6. A new search will appear on this page.
  7. Now select Create Alert.

OPTION 2 (limiting to publications since at UNM)

  1. Select Advanced Search. You may limit results by selecting only one of the indexes (Arts & Humanities, Science, Social Science) under More Settings on the search page (deselect all other options)
  2. Select Author Index (right side)
  3. Enter each author individually (e.g. berman sl, iyer sr ) Use initials, not first name. Ideally author used two or more initials for publications.
  4. Search
  5. Select Add next to best option (repeat for each author). Notice the gray bar on bottom will include all the authors.
  6. Once you added all authors, select OK on gray bar.
  7. Now search box is filled with all the authors - Example AU=(IYER SR OR BRODY RG OR BERMAN SL)
  8. At the end of the string of authors add UNM like below.
    AU=(IYER SR OR BRODY RG OR BERMAN SL) AND OG=(University of New Mexico)
  9. Search
  10. Now you are on the Search History page, select Create Alert.

Google Scholar Alerts

Two options to know when a publication is cited

Option 1
1. Create a Google Scholar account

2. Add your citations to account

3. Receive alerts when cited

Option 2
1. Perform a search in Google Scholar

2. Refine search results, if necessary

a. Add more keyword, AND/OR

b. Use the Advanced Search (upper left corner, three horizontal bars icon)

3. After refinement, select "Create Alert" on left bar