Many times you will need to edit a record in EndNote Basic. You edit any field and add content to a record. Common reasons to edit...
- The title of the article or journal (source) are fields that needs editting often because of capitalization issues.
- Pages numbers - make sure page numbers are correct.
- Organization/Corporate authors - place a comma at the end of the name otherwise EndNote treats it as a person's name
- Without common - University of New Mexico becomes Mexico, U. o. N. in bibliography
- So in Author field - University of New Mexico,
How to edit a record
- Select My References tab
- Select any record
- Select anywhere in a field (e.g. title, author)
- Now you may edit that field.
How to add content to a record
Many people like to add information to a record to provide context. For example, there is a field called Research Notes that allows one to state why this article is important or to add a specific quote they want to use later.
How to add content to record
- Follow steps 1-2 above to edit
- On the upper-right side is a toggle link (show or hide empty fields)
- You want click that link until you see "hide empty fields."
- You will notice the empty fields are displayed in the record
- Add content to any field (Research Notes is near the bottom)