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The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) includes scholarly articles, reports, curriculum and teaching guides and conference papers covering multiple levels of education from preK to higher education.
It is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the United States Department of Education. Provides a more robust search interface of the freely available ERIC database. Coverage: 1966-present.
The best resource for psychology related topics in journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and reports. Published by the American Psychological Association (APA). Coverage: 1887-present.
Articles on business, management, marketing, and organizations from scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications. Also, includes current company, industry, and country reports from third parties. Coverage 1820-present.
The key resource for economic literature from scholarly journals, working papers, dissertations, etc. Research covers all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, environmental economics, etc. From the American Economic Association (AEA). Coverage: 1888-present.
Access to federal & state court cases, annotated statues/codes, administrative law, and regulations. It also includes law reviews, local, national & international news sources, and trade journal. Coverage: 1790-present.
Scholarly and popular publications on gender and the evolution of gender roles. Coverage: 1970-present.
Focused on public policy research and issues. Includes international journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, and publications of international agencies. Does not include newspapers. Coverage: 1915-present.
Articles on sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes Social Services Abstracts database which focuses on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development. Coverage: 1952-present.
Multidisciplinary collection of citations and abstracts for scholarly journal articles, proceedings, data sets, and other resources. Has a tool for citation analysis. Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, among others.
An index of scholarly articles and books. Look for the Find@UNM link to access the full-text articles in University Libraries subscription databases. For books check the library catalog.
The database has over 2.1 million full-text dissertations and theses. It also contains indexing of 3.8 million graduate works. Primarily US, UK and Ireland but increasingly from other countries. Designated as an official offsite repository for the U.S. Library of Congress. Coverage: 1861-present.
Newspaper articles from the Albuquerque Journal (coverage: 1995-current), Las Cruces Sun-News (coverage: 2004-current), and Roswell Daily Record (coverage: 2002-current).
Articles from international, national, and regional newspapers, newswires, and news sites. It includes access to major United States newspapers, such as, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal. Coverage 1980-present.
Provides access to ethnic minority topics and viewpoints from journals, newspapers, reports, conference papers, and dissertations. Ethnic categories include African American/Caribbean/African, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian/Pacific Islander, European/Eastern European, Hispanic, Jewish and Native People.
Subject coverage: culture, religion, independent presses, ethnic studies, human rights, activism. Coverage: 1964-present.