NIH Data Management and Sharing

Templates, guidance, and other resources for developing a data sharing plan.

Sample plans from the NIH

Elements of a DMS Plan

There is quite a bit of information and detail on the elements of a DMS plan on the NIH website. The templates and sample plans linked above also provide more detail. As you think about your research and eventually writing a plan, high level information about the elements is provided here for the purposes of definition.

  • Data type
    • The scientific data to be managed, preserved, and shared.
  • Related tools, software, and/or code
    • Whether specialized tools are needed to access or manipulate shared scientific data.
  • Standards
    • An indication of what standards will be applied to the scientific data and associated metadata.
  • Data preservation, access, and associated timelines
    • Plans and timelines for data preservation and access.
  • Access, distribution, or reuse conditions
    • Applicable factors affecting subsequent access, distribution, or reuse of scientific data.
  • Oversight of data management and sharing
    • How compliance with the DMS Plan will be monitored and managed.

UNM Service Catalog

Help with NIH DMS plans is available from multiple research support services.