Welcome to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Reading Room for the Department of Energy at Headquarters.
The FOIA requires certain kinds of documents to be made available to the public for inspection and copying. This is a requirement for agencies of the executive branch of the federal government.
The documents that are required to be made available by the FOIA are:
Final Opinions
[5 USC 552 (a)(2)](A) final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders, made in the adjudication of cases.
Office of Hearings and Appeal - FOIA Appeals
Initial agency determinations in response to FOIA and Privacy Act requests may be appealed to the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA). Decisions of the OHA constitute the agency's final determinations on requests made under either statute. OHA decisions issued after January 1, 1995, are available from this page.
Statements of Policy and Interpretation
[5 USC 552 (a)(2)](B) those statements of policy and interpretation which have been adopted by the agency and are not published in the Federal Register.
DOE Directives Website
DOE Directives include Policies, Orders, Notices, Manuals, and Guides which are intended to direct, guide, inform, and instruct employees in the performance of their jobs, and enable them to work effectively within the Department and with agencies, contractors, and the public.
Administrative Staff Manuals and Instructions
[5 USC 552 (a)(2)](C) administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public.
DOE Directives Website
DOE Directives include Policies, Orders, Notices, Manuals, and Guides which are intended to direct, guide, inform, and instruct employees in the performance of their jobs, and enable them to work effectively within the Department and with agencies, contractors, and the public.
Other Records of Interest
[5 USC 552 (a)(2)](D) copies of all records, regardless of form or format, which have been released to any person . . . and which, because of the nature of their subject matter, the agency determines have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same record.
Albuquerque Operations Office, U.S. Department of Energy
FOIA Reading Room and DOE Reading Rooms, Government Information Department
Zimmerman Library
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001
Contact: Monica Dorame
Phone: 505-277-7180
Email: mdorame@unm.edu