Though library databases may search across a variety of information formats (books, news articles, magazine articles, media, technical reports, etc.), a bulk of the information indexed in these databases typically includes scholarly articles -- a phrase sometimes used interchangeably with journal articles or peer reviewed articles.
This multidisciplinary resource contains access to scholarly journals, book reviews, magazine articles, newspaper articles, books, videos, and trade publications in English and a wide variety of other languages. Coverage: 1887-present
Extensive research resource for life science and biomedical information. Content includes peer-reviewed journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and patents. Subjects include botany, zoology, microbiology, pharmacology, genetics, medicine, and more.
Citation analysis tools are provided. Coverage 1926 to present
Articles on sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes Social Services Abstracts database which focuses on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development. Coverage: 1952-present.
Multidisciplinary collection of citations and abstracts for scholarly journal articles, proceedings, data sets, and other resources. Has a tool for citation analysis. Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, among others.
Allows simultaneous searching of Web of Science (including Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index), Biosis (Biological Abstracts), and Zoological Record. Provides coverage of current literature and cited reference searching in science, engineering, and the social sciences, with comprehensive coverage of the biological literature. Coverage varies by database.