Extensive research resource for life science and biomedical information. Content includes peer-reviewed journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and patents. Subjects include botany, zoology, microbiology, pharmacology, genetics, medicine, and more.
Citation analysis tools are provided. Coverage 1926 to present
Articles on business, management, marketing, and organizations from scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications. Also, includes current company, industry, and country reports from third parties. Coverage 1820-present.
Updated daily, MEDLINE on the Ovid platform offers novice and expert searchers seamless and up-to-the-minute access to over 23 million of the latest bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,600 biomedicine and life sciences journals.
Nearly 40 languages (60 languages for older journals). English abstracts are included in more than 80% of the records.
The best resource for psychology related topics in journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and reports. Published by the American Psychological Association (APA). Coverage: 1887-present.
Articles on sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes Social Services Abstracts database which focuses on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development. Coverage: 1952-present.
Multidisciplinary collection of citations and abstracts for scholarly journal articles, proceedings, data sets, and other resources. Has a tool for citation analysis. Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, among others.