SAGE Campus Guide

Using SAGE Campus in the Classroom

Use courses to form a base-level of knowledge

Teaching students with mixed-abilities or base-levels of skill can be a challenge, especially when teaching classes or programs with students come a variety of disciplines. For example, in stats modules of research programs, students from STEM backgrounds might smoothly adapt to analysing data using programming languages, while students from a social science background may never have heard of R or Python. You can assign SAGE Campus introductory courses (even just as a refresher) to make sure all students come prepared to class with the base-level of knowledge.

Improve student success by assigning courses that connect theory to practice

Students need practice, practice, and more practice to hone some skills and research methods, whether it's critically assessing information, data literacy, or more advanced methods like text mining and analysis. It can be challenging to both teach theory and then connect that theory to practice and real-world examples with less time face-to-face time in a physical classroom. When planning your class or course structure, it can take considerable time to craft practical activities and source data or examples of those activities when needed. To save time, assign students SAGE Campus courses to hone skills through numerous practical activities and workbooks, and allot precious class time for mastery and application of skills.

Expand face-to-face skills training and drop-in sessions for off-campus students

Universities often host skills training sessions on topics like statistics, data visualisation, critical thinking, or writing a research question. And faculty often have drop-in sessions for students who need extra support. However, this training and sessions are time-limited (and often space-limited too) which may not be accessible for all students. You can assign or recommend SAGE Campus courses to make extra support accessible to all students, whether on or off campus, and save their limited drop-in sessions for the most applied questions.

Roles & Dashboards

As a faculty member or instructor at your institution, you can hold two roles in SAGE Campus: Cohort Assigner and Learner. Your students will always hold Learner roles.

Through your Cohort Assigner role on the platform, you will have a dashboard of the cohorts you have created and the average progress of all of your students on the cohort, across the courses.

Through your Learner Role on the platform, you will have a dashboard of the courses you are taking for your own learning which will show:

  • Completed courses you have fully completed.

  • In Progress courses you have made progress on but not completed.

  • Not Started courses you’ve enrolled on but not yet started.

  • Discover More Courses for courses you’ve not yet enrolled.

You also have a badge on courses that have been Assigned. This means a member at your institution assigned you the course and you enrolled in it using their cohort enrollment key. They can see your progress on the course. An example of a learner dashboard showing In Progress and Not Started courses is below.

Screenshot of Cohort view on Dashboard

Instructional Case Studies

Supporting Hybrid Learning at University of Massachusetts Boston -

Dr. Bala Sundaram, the Vice-Provost for Research & Strategic Initiatives and Dean for Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston, shares why SAGE Campus was a good fit for their institution and how students were using online courses.

University of Trento case study: Refreshing students’ programming and data visualisation skills

Discover how Professor Giuseppe A. Veltri, Associate Professor at the University of Trento, used two SAGE Campus online courses to both refresh and expand the skills of his Masters students. Giuseppe described his experience of using the courses and the motivations behind his decision.

What do students think about our Critical Thinking online course? -

Dr John McLevey, Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada, used SAGE Campus’ Introduction to Python for Social Scientists online course with his graduate students. Read our case study to see feedback from John and his students about why SAGE Campus was a good fit.

Preparing postgraduates with required R skills ahead of class -

We spoke to one of our SAGE Campus learners, a PhD candidate in the humanities, to find out what motivated her to learn data science skills, and how she’s putting her new skills to use.

Assigning Courses & Creating Cohorts

Once you have a Course Assigner role on the platform you can create cohorts of students, assign courses for the cohorts to take, and track the progress of each student on the cohort.

User Roles

SAGE Campus has 3 user roles on the platform with different permissions and features:

  1. Learner - for users wanting to take courses themselves for their own learning

  2. Course Assigner - for users wanting to assign courses to students/researchers and track their progress

  3. Institutional Administrator - for librarians or administrators looking after the institution’s SAGE Campus subscription

All users automatically get the learner role so they can get our full, personalized learner experience. Once you, as a faculty member, get a Course Assigner role on the platform, you can switch between your learner role experience on the platform, and your ‘Cohort Assigner’ role which has additional functionality.

You switch roles by selecting the ‘role’ icon in the header of SAGE Campus and selecting the role you wish to use for you current session on the platform.

Screenshot of Course Assigner Dashboard in SAGE Campus