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Federal Data and Website Resources

Current information about the status of federal data and websites, including links to public archives of data and information removed from US government websites.

Data Rescue Project

Much of the work being done to secure federal data and websites is being coordinated by groups including RDAP, the Data Curation Network, and others. They have created a webpage with lots of additional information beyond what is posted here including,

  • Larger and Established Data and Website Efforts

  • Data Rescue Events (volunteer to help)

  • Ad Hoc Rescue Efforts and Data Archiving Activists

Current events and updates

Many federal datasets, websites, and other previously accessible resources are being taken offline to comply with executive orders. We recognize that the loss of this information disrupts research, reduces government transparency, and creates uncertainty across the public and private sectors. 

This guide is a work in progress, and will be updated frequently with relevant news and links to archives of federal data and websites. We are prioritizing data and resources of known value to the UNM community based on our experience working with researchers, but please feel free to contact us for assistance with locating resources not yet listed here, or to share with us locations of resources we haven't yet listed.

Beyond Data - Scholarly Communications

Alternative Data Sources

Library Databases that Contain Federal Data