Literary Research with Primary Sources

Finding Historical Printed Editions

UNM Library

Printed copies of first and/or historical editions of literary works can sometimes be found in the UNM Library. The best way to locate them is to enter a title in the library catalog and then sort your results by date (oldest first). For example:

catalog search page that has been sorted oldest first


Digital Resources

In addition to the UNM Library's collection of printed books, the following databases offer full-text electronic access to historical editions of English-language literature. A current UNM ID is required for access.

Be aware that although useful for accessing textual content, these resources can make it difficult to study books as physical objects for reasons such as:  you cannot evaluate their bindings, paper, etc.; their size and format can be hard to determine; any unique evidence of provenance or readership is from one copy only; and so on.

Free Web Resources


America's Historical Imprints landing page

America's Historical Imprints,
UNM Library database