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AISS Summer Bridge Program

Library Survival Skills for Freshmen.


  • Provide a thorough, comprehensive examination of academic topics
  • Audience - researchers, scholars, and other experts
  • Authors - experts in the field, subject spcialists
  • Include extensive reference lists
  • Takes months or years to publish because research, writing, and editing process is extensive

Scholarly journals

  • Inform and report on research done by scholars and experts in a field
  • Cover specialized academic topics
  • Audience - researchers, scholars, and other experts
  • Authors - experts in the field, subject specialists
  • Extensive editing process. Takes months to publish because editing process is extensive
  • Peer-reviewed
  • Specialized and lengthly articles
  • Include reference lists


  • Entertain and inform audience on current or recent topics
  • Audience - Anyone! Appeals to non-specialists
  • Authors - journalists, freelance writers, or editorial staff
  • Brief editing process
  • Short to medium length articles
  • Published weekly/monthly


  • Inform audience on current topics
  • Provide basic facts and details
  • Audience - Anyone! 
  • Author - Journalists, freelance writers, or editorial staff
  • Brief editing process
  • Published or updated daily