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Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

General SoTL Journals Available at UNM

Below is a list of selected SoTL journals available to the UNM community. 

  • Many of these journals are open access and are open for anyone to view, while others (with the UNM icon) are subscription resources only accessible to the UNM community.
  • Click on the black "i" next to each entry to learn if the journal is indexed by either of the two education databases the library subscribes to, ERIC or Education Research Complete. Search these databases to find articles in these journals (as well as other education related journals) by keyword, title, or author - note that not all years/volumes of an indexed journal may be included in the database.
  • Remember, if UNM does not have access to an article, we can try to obtain it from another library via our Interlibrary Loan service. 

Disciplinary SoTL Journals

Several universities have created webpages with links to disciplinary SoTL journals. Note that subscription journal links are often specific to each university and may not work for the UNM community, even if UNM subscribes.  So, if you find a journal you are interested in below and would like to see if UNM has access, try searching for the journal title in our "journals only" search or contact our Ask a Librarian service if you need help.