African Americans in New Mexico

Articles - Journals

To find articles:

From the University Libraries home page - go to:


To use them you need to have a UNM login or be working at a UNM Library computer.

Several useful ones are:

Under Alpha A is - America: History and Life - indexes journal articles, dissertations, book reviews, etc. on the history and culture of the U.S. and Canada. Includes recent issues of the New Mexico Historical ReviewEl Palacio (from Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe), Western Historical Quarterly, and other important Western journals. You can limited the search to African Americans and specify Geographic area - New Mexico, etc.

Alpha A - Academic Search Complete - a good all-around general search index for finding articles on diverse topics.

Alpha J - JSTOR - contains the back files of more than 1,000 core scholarly journals in a variety of humanities, business, science and social science disciplines available in PDF format. A favorite of many researchers.

Alpha E - Ethnic Newswatch - has news from minority, ethnic and native presses in North America, 1960 to the present, some articles are historical, others cover contemporary issues.



From the CSWR home page, on the left side bar, click this open, then click on UNM's Digital Repository.  On the UNM Repository page midwadown -- See - Open Journals - and then open this portal.

One of the online sources here for African American history in the state is the - New Mexico Historical Review. The NMHR, 1926 - present, is a scholarly, peer - reviewed journal published at the History Department of UNM. Over the years it has carried a number of articles or references related to African Americans, including the mulatto leader of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt, Buffalo soldiers, reconstruction, slavery issues, etc.

Hard copies of current and back issues and indexes for the NMHR are in the CSWR Anderson Reading Room.

Tip:  If you don't find your term in the NMHR online via the UNM Repository Open Journals Portal, then try the database list on the Library home page under Alpha P - database called - Periodicals Online Archive - POA.  it searches the NMHR from 1926 to 2000, with better results than the Repository.  It is full text.  Go to the POA tab - Publications - select Alpha N - and find the NMHR down the list. Then enter your term in the search box.

Note: If you still need material, in the CSWR's New Mexico Vertical Files, there is a folder with references in past issues of the NMHR for African Americans - has some items not found by the above methods. Ask for it at CSWR Anderson Reading Room.