The databases below will help you to identify articles related to speech and hearing sciences topics (e.g. science and treatment of speech and hearing disorders, SHS application in education and psychology, etc.)
A resource of scholarly journals, books, and dissertations with main topics including literature, linguistics, language studies, rhetoric, composition, drama, theory, criticism, teaching, and publishing. Coverage: 1920s-present.
Multidisciplinary collection of citations and abstracts for scholarly journal articles, proceedings, data sets, and other resources. Has a tool for citation analysis. Includes the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index, among others.
A biomedical research literature database that is also useful in building comprehensive systematic reviews for evidence-based medicine decisions.
Citations, abstracts, and full text access to information on the effects of interventions in health care. Includes systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials, summaries of systematic reviews, reports from health technology assessment organizations, economic evaluations of health care interventions, and more. Updated quarterly.
The best resource for psychology related topics in journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and reports. Published by the American Psychological Association (APA). Coverage: 1887-present.
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) includes scholarly articles, reports, curriculum and teaching guides and conference papers covering multiple levels of education from preK to higher education.
It is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the United States Department of Education. Provides a more robust search interface of the freely available ERIC database. Coverage: 1966-present.
Other Related Social Sciences Databases
Articles on sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Includes Social Services Abstracts database which focuses on social work, human services, social welfare, social policy, and community development. Coverage: 1952-present.
Empirical research articles report on original research - they are the primary sources of science. Databases include empirical articles but they also include literature review articles, secondary analysis of others' research, theoretical articles, etc. In order to focus your search on empirical articles, check to see if the database has a methodology limiter (like PsycInfo) or an article type limiter (like PubMed) so you can tell the database to only search for these articles. Note that many databases do not have this option, so you may need to add keywords to your search in order to help you find them. Try adding words like: data, statistics, methods, variable, hypotheses, findings, quant*, qual*, experiment, interviews, intervention, n=, to your search or look for these words in the abstract.
Most of what is listed above are subscription resources that you will not be able to access when you are no longer affiliated with UNM. If you work in an institution that does not have access to these resources, there are others that are freely available that can provide you with access to scholarly journals. Some of these include:
There are also tools you can utilize such as:
Identify and access the full text of tests/instruments via APA's PsycTests tool. If you don't find what you need there, visit our research guide on finding Psychological & Educational Tests & Measures for additional strategies and tools.
Thousands of test instruments (including aptitude tests, personality scales and cognitive functioning measures, surveys and other assessments), as well as descriptive information about tests that were developed for research but not made commercially available (i.e. unpublished tests).
70% of entries contain the actual test. Produced by the American Psychological Association (APA). Coverage: 1910-present.
Supports the teaching and learning of research methods and skills through structured online learning that is self-paced and led by an expert. Topics include: cleaning data, conducting interviews, Python, research design, literature reviews, AI, getting published, etc. NOTE: UNM Guide for Sage Campus