Study Abroad: UNM Library Services & Resources

News Resources

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Free Travel Information

Country Profiles

Quick Information

From the U.S. Government

More In-depth Profiles


In addition to the links above, visit this UNM Library research guide for more links to country profiles

Culture/Etiquette Resources

These resources can give you an idea of manners and customs in a country and can be useful for understanding how to communicate and interact in another country/culture.


  • Geert Hofstede's Cultural Country Comparisons Graphs Tool -- Dr. Hofstede created a way to discuss differences in national cultures by examining six different dimensions of culture.  This online tools lets you choose two different countries and compare.  Compare your home country to the country you will be visiting to identify areas that may be different.




Print Books


Watching feature films, documentaries, and traveler's videos on YouTube are good ways to learn about your country's history and culture - and perhaps help with language learning.  In addition to searching any streaming services to which you subscribe, UNM has a nice collection of foreign films in either DVD or via streaming that you can access for FREE.

To find our DVDs and many of our streaming titles, search the library catalog...

  • enter your country name in the search box (plus related keywords)
  • when the results display, limit to video formats by using the limit boxes on the left side of the screen (under the FORMAT box, click on the VIDEO limit) - you will see both DVDs and streaming titles.


You may also want to search the catalogs of some of our streaming services directly:

Music & Art

Learn about a country by becoming familiar with its music and arts. You can find lots of music by searching for your country name in YouTube, but the UNM Library also subscribes to several streaming music services that include global music as well as a great art/architecture image database. Check them out below!



To find lists of recommended books: