Communication & Journalism

Data Archives

Open Data Repositories

Qualitative Data

Research Data Support at UNM

UNM Subscription Data & Statistics Resources

Major US Data & Statistics Sources (FREE resources)

US Federal Agency Statistics & Data - General

Census Data, Demographics, Population Surveys


Criminal Justice and Violence

  • See tab in left navigation labeled "Criminology Specific Resources."





International Data Sources

Great place to look for data sets on specific topics

In addition to the links on this page, Princeton University Library's Data & Statistical Services librarians have created a Data Catalog for identifying data sets on specific topics. As the links on the site are via Princeton’s servers some of their subscirption links will not work for us at UNM, but iif you identify a useful data set that is not freely available, check if UNM might have access by contacting me, Liz Cooper ( for assistance. 

New Mexico Data

Polling Data

Public opinion polls cover both political and sociological topics.

To learn more about polls, check out the tutorial on  Polling Fundamentals (from the Roper Center). Designed for the novice, it provides definitions, examples, and explanations that introduce students to the field of public opinion research.

For an overview of the major polling websites (both free and subscription), review this article: Guide to Public Opinion Poll Web Sites.

Some useful websites and tools with poll information include: