"Love and Gratitude" -- Love in the Archives 2022

Images from the Collections listed



Well Child Clinic, Santa Fe Maternal CSWR PICT 000-489

Katherine Rose Wood, CSWR PICT 000-591

Maclovia Sanchez de Zamora, CSWR MSS 898


Archival Collections


 Cooperacion del Pueblo, Tierra Amarilla, CSWR MSS 615


Over the decades a number of materials relating to nursing, public health, curing and care giving have come to the CSWR archives.  They are available for in-person research at the CSWR’s Anderson Room, in Zimmerman Library.   

The finding guide for the CSWR archival materials and for other regional repositories is the New Mexico Archive Online (NMAO).


Among our collections with related material are:

"Locked up for Love"


Scans from the Maclovia Sanchez de Zamora Papers, CSWR MSS 898



Curated by Nancy Brown-Martinez

Profile Photo
Nancy Brown-Martinez
Center for Southwest Research, Zimmerman Library

Health Sciences Library

UNM's Health Sciences and Informatics Library (HSLIC) is the only publicly accessible academic health sciences library in New Mexico. They have a special role in providing health information access and health literacy skills and training for our community.  The New Mexico Health Historical Collection documents the history of health in the state and the Southwest by collecting and preserving materials that include oral histories, organizational records, rare books, photographs, artifacts and a monograph collection.