Undergraduate Research Instructor Resources

Services for Faculty

Services for faculty include:

  • Individual consultations for integrating library instruction on information literacy, data literacy, or other relevant topics into curriculum to support newly introduced research elements
  • Tailored classroom instruction from librarian as a co-teacher or guest speaker *
  • Individualized course guides (similar to this guide), digital tutorials, or other learning objects on relevant skills or topics
  • Librarian embedded in Canvas discussions or other online course management software
  • Outside-of-class and/or extra credit workshops on relevant topics (see more below)
  • Presentations to communities of practice or other groups


Services for Students

Services for students include:

  • Workshops to develop relevant skills
  • Individual or group consultations on research projects.


Research consultation are highly tailored to meet students' unique needs. Different types of research consultations include:

  • Refining a research topic
  • Developing a search strategy
  • Identifying relevant databases and journals
  • Finding and evaluating information resources
  • Searching the web for trustworthy information
  • Discovering alternative search terms for the selected topic
  • Demonstrating advanced search techniques for specific databases
  • Narrowing search results
  • Tracking down a hard-to-find resource
  • Locating datasets for analysis
  • Using citation styles and tools correctly
  • Learning how to conduct a literature review when writing a publishable article
  • Planning and organizing a large project, such as a capstone
  • Selecting a journal or other publication venue to pitch an article
  • Managing a scholarly reputation over time
  • Discussing copyright or intellectual property issues

Available Workshops

The Library can offer workshops in the following areas*:

  • General research skills
  • Database demonstrations with tips for power users
  • Zotero training (or alternate citation management software)
  • Data management planning, research organization, and other data literacy skills

* Please reach out if a topic of interest to you is not listed. We can brainstorm potential options. 

Want to Collaborate?

If you have a new idea not presented here for how you would like to collaborate with a librarian to prepare your students for research and/or to support their research endeavors, please contact STEM Librarian Holly Surbaugh or schedule an appointment with her.

She is happy to brainstorm with any instructor, and she can also connect you with another librarian with different skills or disciplinary expertise as appropriate. 

STEM Librarian

Profile Photo
Holly Surbaugh

Fall 2024 Drop-In Hours
Centennial Science & Engineering Library, L164

Mondays: 10 am - 12pm
OR use scheduler button.