Undergraduate Research Instructor Resources

This guide collects resources for faculty/instructors, administrators, and others interested in developing undergraduate research experiences.


This guide will help UNM instructors connect with content and services to support integrating undergraduate research (UGR) experiences into their curriculum. 

Guide contributors' ongoing work curates an extensive list of UGR resources organized around relevant topic areas to build foundational understanding, provide context, inform planning, and ease the transition to implementing UGR. These resources include research articles, books, selected journals, and other types (e.g., government or nonprofit reports). The "In the Classroom" sections highlight hands-on, practical tools, such as lesson plans, sample assignments, and more. Additionally, some resources speak to the specific opportunities and challenges of particular domains or disciplines. Because of significant overlap, some resources appear may appear in more than one topic/disciplinary area.

This guide will continue develop over time coinciding with the work of the UNM Provost Challenge for Excellence and Equity General Education Initiatives. Please contact STEM Librarian Holly Surbaugh to give feedback, report broken links, or ask questions about this guide. Use the form linked below to submit additional resources. 

Contribute to This Guide

Did we miss something? Feel free to share additional resources to include on this guide using the following online form. The form will ask you to provide: 

  • The name/title of the resource
  • A complete APA citation or DOI (if available)
  • A URL (if available)
  • Applicable topic/disciplinary areas
  • Why you recommend this resource

UGR Resource Recommendation Form

Learning, Research & Engagement Librarian

Profile Photo
Holly Surbaugh

Fall 2024 Drop-In Hours
Centennial Science & Engineering Library, L164

Mondays: 10 am - 12pm
OR use scheduler button.