These databases and indexes are great places to start finding articles on art history. Many articles will have easy full text access. If you don't see a pdf or html link, follow the "find at UNM" link to find out whether we own the article in another database, or "check holdings in library catalog" to find the print version.
This database includes scholarly journal articles from a variety of international peer-reviewed journals covering art, architecture, and design. Coverage: 1880-present. Art Full-Text has been subsumed into this database.
Indexes international arts publications, including reproductions of artworks. Includes architecture, design, museology, and photography. Coverage: 1929 to 1984
Includes images across the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences with tools to view, present, and manage images for research and teaching. Related: JSTOR - now includes ARTstor content.
A comprehensive archive of multidisciplinary scholarly journals and books. Coverage: 1800s to 3-5 years ago; Includes ARTstor - images across the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences with tools to view, present, and manage images for research and teaching. Coverage: ancient times to today.
Below are some peer-reviewed, open access art history journals that can be accessed online. Want to know more about the Open Access movement? Click here.
These unique interactive tutorials will introduce you to the many databases available through UNM Libraries.
It is common for art historians to use Chicago style, but you may also be expected to know MLA style (Modern Language Association). Here are some resources to help you format your papers and works cited pages.