When searching for your title in the tools below, search for it within quotation marks. This helps focus your search - but remember if you don't have the title exactly correct (no typos or missing words) you will not get results.
Great place to start! Full-text excerpts of literary criticism academic articles. Also includes biographical information about authors. Search for the title or the author. Using quotation marks for the title helps you do a more target search. Look at the LIMITS on the right side of the screen to focus your search. Note that some of the articles are from the time period in which your title was published and could be quite old.
Academic journal articles (as well as other sources) related to language and literature. Limiting your search to academic articles may help. NOTE that these articles are not tagged with the subject heading "criticism" so adding it to your search does not usually help.
Use the main search box on the library home page. Enter your title (within quotation marks) followed by the word CRITICISM. You may also want to enter some keywords that relate to your topic. Use the LIMITS on the left to limit to just books or just articles or to a specific date range.