Patent and Trademarks

Information focused on the Patent or Trademark process.


Welcome to the University Libraries Guide on Patent and Trademarks.  The UL no longer participates in the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program.  However,  the resources you will require to begin your patent or trademark research are available online via this Guide.  Following the links found on this page may answer many of your questions regarding the application process.

Also included on this page are links to resources regarding Intellectual Property, international patent or trademark searching, and other useful resources.

Patent and Trademark Disclaimer

The University of New Mexico is no longer a Patent and Trademark Depository for New Mexico. We can assist with basic questions on patent or trademark searching and provide you with a computer login/password to conduct your search*. We are not able to provide detailed assistance in the search process as we no longer have access to databases provided the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We are not permitted to assist in the application process, nor provide any legal advice. If this is your first time attempting to apply for a patent or trademark we encourage you to read though the various links on the Guide. Should you have questions or require further assistance please contact Monica Dorame, the government documents librarian, at


*Disclaimer: PTDLs are neither required nor encouraged to conduct patent and trademark searches for their patrons as that activity may be interpreted as rendering a judgment or opinion. PTDLs are required to instruct patrons in the use of the search tools available at the PTDLs for patrons conducting their own patent and trademark searches.