MATH 1300

This guide supports students learning to find and use statistics and data.

Key Web Resource


Developed at Wesleyan University, Passion-Driven Statistics is a data-driven, project-based introductory curriculum in statistics for everyone. It comes highly recommended from the MATH1300 instructor. 

For Fun

Daily Infographic is an online repository of visualized data. A new graphic appears every weekday.

A Daily Infographic example: Infographic titled "Diabetes by the Numbers."

Tips for writing about data and statistics

Learn more about federal statistics

The American Statistical Association created this page to inform people about how the federal statistical system generates data. There's a quiz! 

Key Databases

There are truly too many resources available to list them all here. This list contains just a handful of important selections. If you don't see a database applicable to your topic, please ask Holly for recommendations. 

Research Guides & Data Sources

UNM Librarians frequently compile resources applicable to both broad and tailored research topics. Many guides have pages dedicated to resources just for data and statistics. This list links to several of these statistics-specific resource lists for various subject areas. For each guide, you can also reach out to the librarian who created guide (usually listed on the first page of the guide) for more assistance as needed. 

Don't see a guide that looks useful for your topic? This is not a comprehensive list, and there's plenty more. Check the complete list of research guides to see if there's one that looks relevant to you. 

Data Repositories

UNM Datasets