This multidisciplinary resource contains access to scholarly journals, book reviews, magazine articles, newspaper articles, books, videos, and trade publications in English and a wide variety of other languages. Coverage: 1887-present
This database includes scholarly journal articles from a variety of international peer-reviewed journals covering art, architecture, and design. Coverage: 1880-present. Art Full-Text has been subsumed into this database.
Includes images across the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences with tools to view, present, and manage images for research and teaching. Related: JSTOR - now includes ARTstor content.
A resource of scholarly journals, books, and dissertations with main topics including literature, linguistics, language studies, rhetoric, composition, drama, theory, criticism, teaching, and publishing. Coverage: 1920s-present.
The national paper of record with domestic and international news. Coverage: 1980-present.