Celebrating the Right of Women to Vote in New Mexico

Songs, Sheet Music


There are song recordings listed on the UNM Library computer. Some are at the Fine Arts Library and some are at the CSWR.

Also use the New Mexico Archives Online (NMAO) engine to search for sound recordings, sheet music or song lyrics in the inventories of archival collections at the CSWR.

(The NMAO can also search the inventories of collections at over 20 other repositories in New Mexico).


Here are the lyrics for a song about New Mexico women voting that I found in the New Mexico WPA Collection. 


NMAO Help:

Suggestion - limit by institution = UNM Center for Southwest Research (or can open to any or all.)

Use the Word search box for your topic.  

When you get some results, click open the collection (blue highlighting).  When looking inside an individual collection inventory, use CTRL + F to open a Find window – then type in your search term to locate it again in the inventory.

Song lyrics - La Votacion de Las Mujeres


La Votacion de las Mujeres, from WPA Collection, from CSWR set, Spanish and English lyrics.