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Suma Guide

Annalysis Tools Access


Do not use initiative test.

Do not use initiative Zim Headcount 2.

Data available for CESL Headcount from 12-18-2017 to 03-16-2020 (5:30pm spring break).

Data available for FADL Headcount from 01-11-2018 to 03-14-2020 (5:30pm spring break).

Data available for PML Headcount from 01-09-2018 to 03-13-2020 (5:30pm spring break).

Data available for Zim Headcount from 03-19-2018 to 03-17-2020 (5:30pm spring break).

Data available for CSEL Covid from 09-03-2020 to 08-20-2021 (end of summer intersession 2).

Data available for FADL Covid from 09-08-2020 to 08-20-2021 (end of summer intersession 2).

Data available for Zim Covid from 09-02-2020 to 08-20-2021 (end of summer intersession 2).

Data Management

Sessions Summary

A trouble shooting tool for quickly auditing sessions, the Sessions Summary displays a table of sessions based on initiative, date, and time filters. This report should not be used for general reports.

Sessions Summary displays the totals for each hourly count (session ID). It does not allow for the filtering or display of activities (such as how many people were in group study rooms or Seating Area A or using the computer).


Raw Data

Tool for quickly viewing and / or exporting raw data.

Displays each individually entered count.

Displays the individual activities linked with a location's count if relevant (for example, group study room, individual study room, printers & scanners, stacks, etc.).


Times Series

Explore your data with an interactive set of tools, including a graph of usage over time, a chart comparing activities and location usage, and tabular summaries of important data points.

Export data or summary statistics to spreadsheets and export images for use in presentations or documents.

This tool allows the user to make detailed choices about what data to analyze by choosing a date range and allowing the user to limit data to a certain part of the day, view weekday versus weekend trends, and select the exact locations or activities that they are interested in viewing.

The Time Series is Suma's main data exploration tool.





Calendar Heat Map

This chart shows a heat map of usage over time.

Instead of surface area representing physical space as it typically does in a heat map, this visualization maps the days of the month and months of the year in a set of small multiples to help you quickly pull out patterns of high and low usage over the course of the year or semester.

The user may choose a date range, limit data to a certain part of the day, view weekday versus weekend trends, and select locations or activities that they are interested in viewing.