Office of the New Mexico State Historian - website provides background on some NM land grants and other historical topics and selected images, includes some scanned pages of Land Records of NM (original land grant documents, aka SANM I) and some pages from the J.J. Bowden studies on land grants.
Center for Land Grant Studies - Malcolm Ebright - his website provides background information about land grants and related issues
Here is contact information for some local land grant council/consejo leaders:
New Mexico Land Grant Council - Juan Sanchez, President, P.O. Box 2380, Tijeras, NM 87059 - 505-249-6759
or Arturo Archuleta - - 505-328-4104.
The New Mexico Land Grant Council sponsors meetings of affiliated local land grant councils. Although not a reference service, Mr. Sanchez or Archuleta can provide contact information for state land grant councils.