(ASARO) Asamblea de Artistas Revolucionarias de Oaxaca is a collection of prints, posters, and mural stencils created by a collective of young Mexican artists that formed during the state of Oaxaca's 2006 teachers strike, which has been digitized. Themes include land rights, political prisoners, government corruption, political violence, police brutality, violence against women, art exhibitions, nationalization of agriculture and oil. Items digitally produced on the ASARO webpage are also archived through ArchiveIt
Central American Political Ephemera Collection, 1983-1986 contains materials from Central American political campaigns during the mid-1980s, including political material from Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and El Salvador. The majority of the collection consists of campaign pamphlets and information about candidates running for the presidency in the 1985 and 1986 elections.
David Craven Papers, 1973-2006 contain personal correspondence between Dr. Craven and a wide variety of Latin American artists and intellectuals, most notably Cuban art critic Gerardo Mosquera. Also included are a wide variety of newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, and books relating to the art, politics, and culture of Latin America, with specific emphasis on Cuba and Nicaragua. A number of postcards, greeting cards, art exhibition handbills, tourist information, and other miscellaneous papers and memorabilia are included in the collection as well.
George Bunzl Photograph Collection, 1951-1976 consists of the work of photographer George Bunzl. The photographs are largely portraits of indigenous peoples in their native dress, shown in the context of their daily activities as encountered by Mr. Bunzl on his travels throughout the world. Other photographs are village and market scenes, some architectural details (including an Incan stone masonry wall), still lifes, and a number of landscapes. Many of his photographs made in Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, and Peru are included in his book The Face of the Sun Kingdoms (1966). This book and a complete set of 35mm contact prints serve as visual finding aids to the collection and are located in Box 1 of the collection.
John Nichols Calaveras Print Collection contains 21 calaveras prints by the author John Nichols. The illustrations were originally created as chapter headers for his 1978 novel, The Magic Journey, although only eight of them were subsequently reproduced in the book. The illustrations are modeled on calaveras in the Latin American tradition, and depict skeletons as musicians, clergy, businessmen, and politicians. The collection is part of a limited edition, and each print is numbered and signed by the artist. Also included is a written introduction by the artist.
Manuel Areu Collection of Nineteenth-Century Zarzuelas, 1849-1992 contains the major composers and librettists of the late 19th century, contains 131 zarzuelas, miscellaneous music, plays, playbills, and personal papers. Of the zarzuelas, about 100 originated in Spain, and a small number from Cuba and Mexico. There are also several translations and arrangements of French, Italian and Viennese operettas. Almost half of the zarzuelas are one-act works, about one-third contain two or more acts, and the remainder are of undetermined length. Only a dozen works are complete with librettos and orchestral parts, but there are over eighty workable zarzuelas with conductors’ scores and/or piano-vocal scores. As a performing collection, it is a valuable source of many possibly rare or unavailable works.
Mapa de Cuauhtlantzinco Reproduction, 1890-1920 contains badly faded reproductions of “Mapa de Cuauhtlantzinco,” a seventeenth-century Mexican codex also called Codex Campos. The Mapa tells the story of an Indian cacique named Tepoztecatzin and his experiences during the Conquest of Mexico including the introduction of Christianity to his village. The original Mapa, consisting of 44 oil paintings of European paper, each 30 x 40 cm., was discovered in 1836 by the Padre D. José Vicente Campos.
Margaret Randall Photograph Collection, 1937-1989, contains photographs of Margaret Randall, her family and friends, and events related to her life as a writer and political activist. Margaret Randall’s life and consequently, her writings, focus on themes of politics, social revolution, art, feminism, and lesbianism, in Latin America and the United States. The years she spent in Mexico, Cuba, and Nicaragua figure prominently in her works.
Mexican Sheet Music Collection, 1920-1936 is compiled of a variety of musical scores of Mexican and Latin American music that was published in Mexico, other parts of Latin America, the United States and Europe. Musical genres represented in the collection include canción, canción mexicana, canción regional, fox-trot, march (marcha), bolero, waltz (vals), danza, tango, huapango, schottisch, corrido, son, polka, romanza and a few others. Most of the scores contain beautiful cover illustrations.
Roy Rosen Photograph Collection, 1923-1985 Rosen was a photographer who worked in the Straight Photography tradition popularized by Edward Weston and other art photographs in the second quarter of the Twentieth Century. The majority of the collection consists of photographs taken by Roy Rosen during his travels in the United States, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. There are also still life compositional studies by Rosen.
Spanish Colonial, Baroque, and Rococco Photograph Collection Black and white photographs of Spanish Colonial art: sculpture, religious architecture, and painting. The smaller prints include 35 mm negatives of Puerto Rican Santos. Others images were made in Mexico, Central, and South America and used in the book, Baroque and Rococco in Latin America by Pál Kelemen. Elisabeth Zulauf Kelemen took the photographs
Fernando Gamboa Collection of Prints by José Guadalupe Posada collection, compiled by noted Mexican art historian Fernando Gamboa, consists of lithographs, etchings, and engravings by José Guadalupe Posada. Posada, known as "the artist of the Mexican people," worked as an illustrator and commercial artist. His work has influenced many Latin American artists and cartoonists because of its satirical acuteness and political engagement.
Film Poster Collection contains posters produced mostly in the US and Latin America. American posters provide examples of advertising by the American motion picture industry in the mid- twentieth century. The film posters from Mexico range in date from the 1930s to 2005 and cover a wide range of topics, from comedy, romance, and drama to politics. The collection also includes cine club pamphlets from Uruguay.
Jane Norling and Lenora Davis Poster Collection was collected from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Mexico by Jane Norling and Lenora Davis. The posters were produced by various agencies and address subjects such as film, solidarity with the struggles of Third World countries, labor, tourism, disease prevention, women, energy conservation, the Vietnam War, and the Cuban Revolution.
Latin American Ephemera Pictorial Collection, 1860s-1980s contains several series: Mexican health, hygiene, and safety posters from 1957; Puerto Rican Medina 1970s political caricatures; slides of political billboards, signs, graffiti and protests in Nicaragua and Grenada from the 1980s; nineteenth-century Mexican loteria cards; and book covers from Mexican publisher Botas, 1920s-1960s.
Sam L. Slick Collection of Latin American and Iberian Posters, ca. 1970-2000 contains posters from all over Latin America and Iberia. Those from Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, and Spain have been digitized. Many others are not yet digitized but they are also available at UNM. They address themes such as elections, imperialism, solidarity, human rights, and revolution.
Taller de Gráfica Popular Collection, 1935-1990 consists of posters, fliers, prints, serials, calendars and note cards that focus on international issues of the 1940s-1960s, including fascism and national socialism, in addition to Mexican topics such as agriculture, labor issues and the nationalization of the petroleum industry.
Latin American Pamphlet Collection (Harvard) Harvard's Widener Library is the repository of many scarce and unique Latin American pamphlets published during the 19th and the early 20th centuries. One of the few institutions to have consistently collected Latin American pamphlets, Harvard has benefited from collections formed by Luis Montt (Chile), Nicolás Acosta (Bolivia), Manuel Segundo Sánchez (Venezuela), José Augusto Escoto (Cuba), Blas Garay (Paraguay), Charles Sumner, John B. Stetson and others. Chile, Cuba, Bolivia and Mexico.
Latino Cultural Heritage (Digital Archive) Founded in 1979, the Urban Archives Center has been a part of CSUN’s Oviatt Library since 1992. Today, the Urban Archives Center, along with the Special Collections Department and the University Archives, house many of the rich research collections of CSUN. Before being awarded the HSI grant, the Urban Archives Center already maintained a number of collections documenting Latino/Chicano movements. With the added resources of the HSI Grant, we are continuing to acquire important research collec
Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1 is a digital collection pertaining to U.S. Hispanic literature and culture that includes key aspects of the "Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project." The Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project is a national project to locate, preserve and disseminate Hispanic culture of the United States in its written form since colonial times until 1960. The initial digitized collection includes approximately 60,000 historical articles and 1,100 historical books.
Cuban Heritage Collection From the University of Miami, the Cuban Heritage Collection provides access to primary and secondary sources of enduring historical, research, and artifactual value which relate to Cuba and the Cuban diaspora from colonial times to the present.
The Avalon Project from Yale University provides digital transcripts of historical documents relevant to the fields of Law, History, Economics, Politics, Diplomacy and Government. It has strong collections related to the Atlantic Slave trade in the Americas.
Cineteca Virtual is a free collection of streaming video digitized by the Universidad de Chile. This online archive incudes films from 1910 to the present
Urban Land Institute (ULI) Case Studies contains 300+ international planning projects documented by the Urban Land Institute. Each entry contains a general description of the project and site, the development process, financing information, design concept and construction, financial information, site plans, and photographs. Searchable by keyword, location, and project type this database provides useful project information to anyone interested in planning studies.