AI brings both opportunities and challenges in the context of academic integrity. While it can assist in identifying and preventing dishonest behaviors, its use also raises ethical questions, especially when it comes to privacy and surveillance. Moreover, it is important to remember that AI tools can support, but not replace, the work of teachers and administrators in promoting academic integrity. Ensuring honesty in academic work also relies heavily on creating a culture of integrity and setting clear expectations for ethical behavior.
By Nicole Capehart, UNM Anderson School of Management
In my experience, academic misconduct most often occurs because students are unaware of how to properly cite sources, or because students become overwhelmed and desperate. If you are concerned about how you are doing in this course, please speak with me instead of considering academic misconduct. You are very capable of meeting my expectations for this class.
Please ask for help in understanding and avoiding plagiarism (passing the work or words of others off as your own work or words) or other forms academic dishonesty. Doing something dishonest in a class or on an assignment can led to serious academic consequences. Come talk with me about your concerns or needs for academic flexibility, or talk with support staff at one of our student resource centers, before you do something that may endanger your career.
UNM has policies to preserve and protect you and the academic community available in the Student Pathfinder as well as in the Faculty Handbook. These include policies on student grievances D175 (undergraduates) and D176 (graduate and professional students), academic dishonesty (D100), and respectful campus (CO9).
You should be familiar with UNM’s Policy on Academic Dishonesty and the Student Code of Conduct which outline academic misconduct defined as plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or facilitating any such act.
Anderson School of Management faculty, staff, and students commit to values of trust, honesty, integrity, and accountability. We will not tolerate academic dishonesty. By enrolling in any course at Anderson, the student accepts the Anderson Academic Honesty Code and affirms the following pledge:
I will not lie, cheat, fabricate, plagiarize, or use any other dishonest means to gain unfair academic advantage.
Any violation of the code of conduct will be taken very seriously and appropriate sanctions will be applied. For the full text of Anderson’s Academic Honesty Code, please visit
Please also be sure to review the UNM Anderson Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct, which establishes the expectations of professional and ethical conduct across the UNM Anderson community.
All assignments in Canvas are scanned by a plagiarism detection tool. Plagiarism or other academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the course and a referral to the appropriate academic standards bodies on campus. Please be careful to site all outside sources and to do your own, original work. When in doubt, cite!
AI Use:
As technology continues to evolve, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in academic settings has become increasingly common. Therefore, it is important to establish guidelines and expectations to ensure that the use of AI such as ChatGPT is both ethical and effective.
Use AI such as ChatGPT as a tool, not a substitute: The use of AI is meant to be an aid in completing assignments, not a substitute for critical thinking or original work. To do so risks violating our academic integrity policies and may result in consequences aligned with our academic misconduct policies Students who use AI such as ChatGPT are expected to use it to supplement their own knowledge and ideas, not to provide complete answers to assignments.
Acknowledge the use of AI: If using ChatGPT or any other AI tool, students must clearly acknowledge their use of this tool. it must be cited as an outside source and you must include a paragraph that explains what you used the AI for and what prompt(s) you used to get your results. This paragraph must be written by you, not the AI!
Ensure accuracy: AI is a powerful tool, but it is not infallible. Students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of any information or responses generated by AI. You will likely need to refine your prompt in order to obtain a good outcome. Assume numbers and facts are wrong unless you have checked with yourself through a valid source. You will be responsible for any errors or omissions.
Avoid plagiarism: Using AI to generate content that is identical or substantially similar to another source without proper attribution constitutes plagiarism. Students must ensure that any material generated by AI is properly cited, and that any paraphrasing is done in accordance with academic standards.
Follow the course objectives: Students who use AI must do so in a manner that is consistent with the course objectives. Assignments should be completed in a way that demonstrates an understanding of the course content and learning objectives, with ChatGPT serving as a tool to aid in that process, not as the main mechanism for completing the assignment.
As always, our academic policies still apply. Your work must be your own and you should adhere to Anderson’s Code of Professional and Ethical Conduct in everything you do.
When in doubt, please reach out to me for clarification.