Speech and Hearing Sciences

Journal databases related to Speech & Hearing Sciences

The databases below will help you to identify articles related to speech and hearing sciences topics (e.g. science and treatment of speech and hearing disorders, SHS application in education and psychology, etc.)







Other Related Social Sciences Databases

Identifying Empirical Research Articles

Empirical research articles report on original research - they are the primary sources of science.  Databases include empirical articles but they also include literature review articles, secondary analysis of others' research, theoretical articles, etc.  In order to focus your search on empirical articles, check to see if the database has a methodology limiter (like PsycInfo) or an article type limiter (like PubMed) so you can tell the database to only search for these articles.  Note that many databases do not have this option, so you may need to add keywords to your search in order to help you find them.  Try adding words like: data, statistics, methods, variable, hypotheses, findings, quant*, qual*, experiment, interviews, intervention, n=, to your search or look for these words in the abstract.

Access free articles when you leave UNM....

Most of what is listed above are subscription resources that you will not be able to access when you are no longer affiliated with UNM.  If you work in an institution that does not have access to these resources, there are others that are freely available that can provide you with access to scholarly journals. Some of these include:

  • PubMed Central
    A subsection of PubMed with open access medical journals -- you can also search in the full PubMed to identify other articles that you may be able to obtain elsewhere.  
  • New Mexico State Library "El Portal"  
    If you live in NM you can search this to find articles on any topic, including scholarly journal articles, many with full text.
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
    Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, including 250 education journals.
  • HighWire Press
    Stanford University Libraries produces the online versions of high-impact, peer-reviewed journals and other scholarly content. Many of these are science/biomedical journals.
  • ERIC (US Dept. of Education) This is the free version that allows you to search and discover publications related to education and learning.  Not all articles will be accessible, but you could request those that are not via other means.
Note: Google Scholar is useful for identifying articles, and some articles you find there will link to open access repository versions of the article, but there are also many articles you may not be able to access via Google Scholar once you leave the university. See below for tips on tools that may help you get access to articles you identify using Google Scholar.

There are also tools you can utilize such as:

Medical Texbooks/Ebooks

  • Access Medicine
    E-books and e-resources including medical textbooks and reference books with information on drugs, diagnosis, etc. Includes videos on procedures as well as images. Great reference tool to understand disorders, diagnosis, etc.
  • STAT!Ref
    Collection of e-textbooks in a variety of medical specialties including nursing.

Finding NONCOMMERCIAL psychological/educational tests/instruments

Identify and access the full text of tests/instruments via APA's PsycTests tool.  If you don't find what you need there, visit our research guide on finding Psychological & Educational Tests & Measures for additional strategies and tools.

Learning about Research Methods